lunedì 6 febbraio 2012

Le candele per le orecchie NON FANNO BENE E SONO PERICOLOSE

Questo è per mia madre che continua a sostenere che le candele o coni per le orecchie fanno bene per la sinusite. Di cosa si tratta? Sono dei coni di cera che vanno inseriti nelle orecchie e accesi allo scopo di rimuovere il cerume creando una decompressione ( "effetto camino") per mezzo del calore.
Più volte mia madre mi ha fatto provare questo fantastico metodo (ero troppo piccola per ribellarmi). Quando il cono ha finito di bruciare in effetti ho visto dei residui, ma non erano altro che il prodotto della combustione della candela stessa, di certo non cerume!

Possibili danni causati da questi coni di cera:
- Ustione (probabilmente non aiuta la vicinanza ai capelli, altamente infiammabili),
- Una parte della cera della candela può finire nelle orecchie bloccandone il canale,
- Timpano perforato.

"Ear candles are hollow tubes coated in wax which are inserted into patients’ ears and then lit at the far end. The procedure is used as a complementary therapy for a wide range of conditions. A critical assessment of the evidence shows that its mode of action is implausible and demonstrably wrong. There are no data to suggest that it is effective for any condition. Furthermore, ear candles havebeen associated with ear injuries. The inescapable conclusion is that ear candles do more harm than good. Their use should be discouraged". 
(Ear candels: a triumph of ignorance over science)

"Ear candling has become popular as an alternative treatment. Some people say it is an ancient treatment that can cure a number of medical problems. Don't listen: ear candling is dangerous, and has no proven medical benefits. [...] There is no scientific proof to support claims that ear candling has medical benefits. In fact, Health Canada ran lab tests that showed ear candling creates no significant heating or suction in the ear canal. [...] On the other hand, there is plenty of proof that ear candling is dangerous. Ear candling presents a risk of fire. It can also cause serious burns and other injuries if hot wax drips into your ear, or onto your skin or hair. There have been reports of several cases of ear injury in Canada". 

"Ear candles are a popular and inexpensive alternative health treatment advocated for cerumen removal. A hollow candle is burned with one end in the ear canal with the intent of creating negative pressure and drawing cerumen from the ear. If effective, significant savings could result from the use of ear candles. This study evaluates the efficacy and safety of this alternative method for cerumen management. Tympanometric measurements in an ear canal model demonstrated that ear candles do not produce negative pressure. A limited clinical trial (eight ears) showed no removal of cerumen from the external auditory canal. Candle wax was actually deposited in some. A survey of 122 otolaryngologists identified 21 ear injuries resulting from ear candle use. Ear candles have no benefit in the management of cerumen and may result in serious injury".

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